Mature Wii gamers please hear me! Dust off your Wii and take out your copy of No More Heroes, House of the Dead, Manhunt 2, or whatever. We finally have an extremely solid mature Wii title to play since NMH. Sega’s MadWorld is an over-the-top, violent eye candy. With a solid story, great controls, unique graphics, and fantastic voice acting, there is no reason not to pick this up.
MadWorld’s story revolves around a group of terrorists who have set up a game of survival in a city. At first the concept may seem innocent enough, but Sega made sure to destroy those thoughts. Playing through the game you follow Jack, a CLASS-A Badass with a chainsaw on one arm. Jack makes sure to use his chainsaw and every other possible penetrating object on his opponents. One second an enemy will be sliced in half and the next he will be repeatedly smashed against the famous “Rose bush”. On top of the violent maneuvers are fountains upon fountains of blood. This is one of the greatest factors of MadWorld. The creators did a phenomenal job of creating a Sin City comic book look and atmosphere for the game. The gamer will think they are going color blind for the game introduces three colors; Black, White, and Red (and yes Red is very predominant).
I am so happy to tell everyone that the controls for the game are solid. I had a few complaints about the iffy lock-on system, but other than that, controlling Jack and his maneuvers was a simple task. The typical A button hits and joystick movements are present, but finishers require shand movements. The great thing is those movements are insanely rewarding. Dragging the Wii-mote could potentially have Jack ripping out a spinal cord of a victim or crushing the heart once locked tightly in a chest. The Wii is one step closer to real violence, but hey I’m not complaining.
One of the greatest things about this game is the sounds. First off the commentary by the two announcers is hilarious at times (Oh and Futurama fans will find Bender reporting in). However, I found myself turning down the announcers because they kept repeating the same lines after a while. The other contestants also repeat many of the same vulgar lines again and again. Turning down the announcers was a great idea because you don’t get to miss the amazing soundtrack. The rap and hip-hop beats really amp up the gritty, violent feel of the game. In the end, one thing made me just about lose my mind when it came to voice acting. As soon as I heard Jack’s voice I immediately responded with “No freaking way!” Anime fans, nerds, and just about everyone else who’s come into contact with Cowboy Bebop or Toonami’s TOM will recognize that Jack is played by Steve Blum. His addition to the game really fits the mood with his sarcastic, yet grim tone.
MadWorld is what mature Wii owners have been waiting for. The over-the-top, beautifully designed violence will keep gamers coming back for more. With the addition of crazy mini games, which includes a multi-player mode, the game is worth the purchase. Plus who doesn’t like creating havoc in ridiculous, torturous ways while listening to sweet rap beats and hearing Steve Blum curse up a storm.