Good afternoon and welcome to another segment of ATN,
As you know (or at least should know) Star Trek came out on Friday and nerds everywhere were ecstatic. Now before we get into my review, let me point out that I wasn't a Star Trek fan going into this movie. I had nothing against it, I had just never really gotten into it. So without further ado, my review.

Star Trek, the final frontier. A subject no man has explored before...except for the original series, countless spinoffs and movies. The movie focuses on the adventures of the Enterprise (that's a big important spaceship) and its crew, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Ahora, Scotty, Sulu, and Chekov. The acting in this movie is supreme. Zachary Quinto performs the role of an emotionless, logical Spock quite well. Chris Pine played the smug badass James Tiberius Kirk enjoyabley. These two characters are the main focus of the movie and have the deepest background. While the main focus is on Kirk and Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Sulu provide some wonderful comedy and banter. Eric Bana plays yet another green character (I apologize right now for referencing the horrendous 2003 "Hulk" movie), the evil villain Nero. Nero is a bat-shit crazy Romulan from the future that is hellbent on revenge. The only thing to top off the afformentioned acting, is the appearance of the legendary Leonard Nimoy. I won't spoil how he relates to the plot, but he's definitely an important character and delves a bit into his roots.
The effects in this movie are very well done. I enjoyed every bit of them from the black holes, to the red matter, to the planet destruction. Phasing from spot to spot had some very nice special effects involved and provides a couple nice jokes for Chekov and Scotty. Overall, I feel that fans would enjoy this even more than I did, which is hard to achieve. While I may not have understood all the little references and allusions to the original series, I could tell when they happened because several members of the audience started laughing. Star Trek is a must-see for fans and casual movie goers alike. I thoroughly look forward to the sequel, because let's face it, there's gonna be one, and am now inclined to check out the old show at some point to look at the similarities. Live long and prosper!
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